Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Creative way of teaching characterisation

Text chosen: To Kill A Mocking Bird by Harper Lee

Characters: Atticus, Scout, Jem, Boo Radley, Mrs Dubose, Calpurnia, Bob Ewell, Mayella Ewell

Activity 1: Read texts related to the above mentioned characters individually.

Activity 2: Assign one character to each group of about 3 -4 students. Members of the group are to discuss about the character assigned and to identify the character traits. Draw the character based on his/her traits. (Objective: To test the students' ability to analyse the text and identify the character traits.)

Activity 3: Each group will present the picture to the class and the rest of the students are to guess who the character is. (Objective: To test the students' ability in depicting the character accurately according to the description of the text.)

Activity 4: Individually, the students are free to choose any character. Write a character analysis essay citing relevant evidence from the text to support the analysis. (Students will be assessed based on the 'O' Level marking rubric.)

Contributed by: Bryan Lum & Jean Ng

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