Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Using Creative Methods to Teach Unseen Prose (Methodist Girls' School)

Introductory Activity:
At this point, students have already done characterisation and setting but have not been introduced to mood and atmosphere. The objective of this series of lessons is to help students see that through mood and atmosphere, tension can be created.
As a lead-in activity, students will watch a short excerpt of the original “Mary Poppins” trailer which can be found on you-tube. Individually, students will attempt identify specific elements of the setting and describe the effect the clip has on them. They are to fill in a table provided by the teacher. Ideas will be consolidated in a class discussion.
After this, they are to watch a short excerpt which is a spoof of the “Mary Poppins” trailer. In this spoof, the creator altered the colour, music and deliberately selected scenes that might seem ominous. Students are to attempt to identify specific elements of the setting and what effect it has on them. They are to fill in a table provided by the teacher. Ideas will be consolidated in a class discussion.
Teacher will teach explicitly definitions of tension and suspense and techniques which writers utilise to create tension and suspense. Teacher will explain the use of lighting, environment, sound, symbol, internal conflict, external conflict, pace and diction using powerpoint slides.
 Students will attempt  in groups to answer questions relating to an unseen prose passage, namely “Journey by Night” by Undine Giuseppi.
(a)    What is your impression of the main character”
(b)   How does the setting and atmosphere in the text enhance the sense of fear within the main character?
(c)    What other techniques does the writer use to build up tension in the text? How effective is it?
 At the end of these lessons, students will be assessed on the following:
(a)    Posting of responses on literature blog.
(b)   Students will be assessed not only on their own answers but also their critique of other group’s responses.
Teacher can also comment on student’s work.

Submitted by: Charmaine Renjan, Loy Kar Wai, Marianne Li
                           Methodist Girls’ School (Sec)

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